Should You Package or Bundle Your Insurance Policies?
Every person, Every Family and Every Business is Unique, so Whether or Not To Bundle Insurance Policies is Not Always Obvious.
Top 3 Reasons to Package or Bundle Policies
Potential Big Savings
- It’s possible to save quite a bit, as much as 15 percent in some case when you bundle insurance policies like home and auto.
- In some cases you can get a single loss deductible. If your car, motorcycle, boat or even an RV insured in a package is damaged by the same accident or loss event as your home, it’s possible that you may only need to pay a single deductible. Here’s an example: A tree falls in a storm and damages both your garage and your car, some companies will waive the auto deductible after your home deductible is paid.
- The possibility of flexible payment plans such as six month and annual auto policy. This can allow you to align the renewal period and effective dates of both homeowners and auto policies. Additionally, if your auto premium is set for 12 months, you’ll know exactly how much your payments will be.
- With combined billing statements you have a single bill for all your policies making it more efficient and convenient.
- With aligned renewal dates, you receive your policies in the one physical package, making it more simple to manage with less paperwork.
Get Comprehensive Protection and Keep Flexible Options
- With many packaged policies, you can choose from many different coverage options for both home and auto policies.
- Actual coverage enhancements will strengthen your coverage with options like equipment breakdown coverage for your home and Roadside Assistance* for your car.
- You won’t give up options like 24/7 claims. You’ll be able to get fast, hassle-free claims service at any time on any day of the year.
To package or bundle insurance policies isn’t always the right or best choice for everyone, but for many, it can make your insurance coverage easier to manage, easier to budget for and even enhance your coverage!
Call us today and we can help you decide if this option is one that works for you!
The Liveoak Agency is here to provide extensive insurance selections for your home and property. Call us for a policy review of your insurance today!